Magnetic Slim Lens Adapter The Marumi Magnetic Slim Lens Adapter is essential (replaceable with Magnetic Slim Step-Up Adapter, Lens Protect/Adp., or StarScape Adp.) for stacking the other Magnetic Slim Filters....
Magnetic Slim Step-Up Adapter The Marumi Magnetic Slim Step-Up Adapter is essential to stack the other Magnetic Slim Filters simultaneously, functioning as a step-up ring. The Screw-in adapter initially to...
Magnetic Slim Lens Protect/Adp.The Marumi Magnetic Slim Lens Protect/Adp. is an essential adapter (replaceable only with Marumi Magnetic Slim Lens Adapter) multiple to stack the other Magnetic Slim Filters. The...
Magnetic Slim Filter Adapter The Marumi Magnetic Slim Filter Adapter is an easy magic tool that enables you to use your conventional non-magnetic screw-in type filter like magnetic slim filters....
Marumi Magnetic Slim StarScape Adp. The Marumi Magnetic Slim StarScape/Adp. functions as a magnetic adapter as well as a light pollution cut filter, screwing into your lens thread as a...